Visit & Explore
Information for people looking to come to New Zealand for a short stayDoing Business?
Looking to do business in New Zealand. Whether you intend visiting on business or conducting business from your home country,we can help.Become a kiwi
Information and services for individuals, couples and families moving to New ZealandStudy in NZ
Looking to get a kiwi education. We can help.Working in New Zealand
Learn more about how we can help you with work visas for New Zealand
Welcome to NZ Immigration Experts
Immigrating to a new country can be a very daunting experience. Not only are you uplifting yourself and your immediate family and moving to a new country, but you are also expected to fulfil your immigration obligations to the New Zealand authorities and these can be particularly complicated.
Our aim is to make your move to New Zealand as simple and stress-free as possible, and to exceed your expectations of success in doing this.
The rebuild of Christchurch has begun! Christchurch has finally enetered the rebuild stage and its going strong. The unemployment rate has dropped significantly and we need many professionals and tradespeople to help rebuild our great city - this has meant a huge demand for migrants to help with this enormous task. We are helping many migrants at present obtain work visas and residence. We can help you too. There is also demand for migrant workers throughout the rest of the country and we can assist. Our clients are many and varied - from highly skilled professionals, to those at the other end of the scale.
Whether its a visitors visa, student visa, work visa, business visa, family/partnership or residence visa - we can help. Call us or send an enquiry - we would be pleased and honoured to assist you.
Licensed Immigration Advisers - giving you more protection!
Simon Moore - Licence Number 200800510Peter Croxson - Licence Number 200900548
Nick Frost - Licence Number 201700130
All onshore and offshore Immigration Advisers are now required to be licensed by the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) (see Immigration NZ will no longer accept applications from unlicensed Immigration Advisers.
We are NZAMI members
We offer a full range of immigration services including a free assessment of your circumstances to determine your chances of immigrating to New Zealand. Once we have completed your assessment we can then plan the most suitable pathway to meet your particular circumstances and immigration requirements.Follow us on Facebook
Telephone+64 3 377 6727
Complete our questionaire
OfficeUnit 1
16 Sheffield Crescent
Christchurch 8053
New Zealand